2024 Detachable Towing Unit (D.T.U)
Holmes Gen 2
Stock#: 3542
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Stock#: 3542
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This Unit is IN STOCK and Ready to Work!
*Not Actual Photos* – Photos are of a similar unit!
Designed and Manufactured in the USA by the Miller Industries – The World’s Foremost Authority of Towing and Recovery Equipment
The Holmes D.T.U. (Detachable Towing Unit) has been re-designed to decrease rear overhang, increase front axle weight, and offer better tow-ability. With repositioned lift cylinders, the Generation 2 D.T.U. also provides superior under-lift height and further improved center of gravity and weight transfer.
The unit comes standard with a 20,000 lb. planetary winch, 175’ of 9/16” wire rope and front legs that allow the unit to be easily removed in a matter of minutes so your truck can be multi-functional for both towing and pulling trailers. The Holmes Gen 2 D.T.U. is designed to secure to your truck using a front lock-down bracket and your Fifth Wheel Plate. The power for the unit is provided by an optional wet line kit, with quick connect couplers, which is installed on your truck.
This 2024 Holmes Detachable Towing Unit comes with the IWS Advantage Package!
Your truck will come with our IWS Exclusive Build Book including:
Key Information about your truck such as:
(We keep detailed backup records of your equipment electronically)
This Floor plan may show optional features that are not on every unit.
*Please note that due to changes at factory, specifications, dimensions, features, and options may change at anytime without notice*
Due to continued improvement, changes in suppliers and design; features, options, appliances, equipment, colors, material specifications, prices, and model availability are subject to change without notice.